Latest and Greatest Gekko News
Gekko Systems successfully refurbishes and installs Gold Processing Plant at Hill End
Gekko Systems has successfully refurbished and installed a Gekko gold processing plant at Vertex Minerals' Hill End gold mine in NSW and is in the final phases of commissioning, bringing the project one step closer to the first gold pour! Gekko would like to thank...
Gekko continues to deliver innovation and trusted solutions
As 2024 draws to a close, the Global Gekko Gang extends our thanks to all our valued supporters and customers. This year has been one of remarkable growth, innovation, and shared success, and we are excited to highlight some of the key moments that made 2024 truly...
Gekko Systems Chair Elizabeth Lewis-Gray joins Victorian Premier’s taskforce to strengthen government-industry ties
Gekko Systems’ Chair, Elizabeth Lewis-Gray, has been appointed to the Victorian Premier’s newly established Business Council, designed to strengthen relations between the Victorian government and industry. This business council, revealed today by Premier Jacinta Allan...
Gekko’s Capability Statement is now available as a PDF file.
This statement includes a visual overview of Gekko’s organisation, expertise, products and services, global offices locations and much more.

Gekko Manifesto
Only through embracing smart ideas together can we transform our world
Smarter together
At Gekko we believe in collaboration. We work “Smarter Together” with our mission to “transform mining and the environment”.
As a company we have invested the time of over sixty of our outstanding people to better understand what makes us tick. …what we believe in and what drives us to be world’s best. What we discovered is that our team is passionate about transforming mining and the environment for the better and that working collaboratively is necessary to achieve our goals and those of our partners. This is how our full Gekko Systems corporate manifesto or belief was born ..
The Gekko Manifesto/Belief …” only by embracing smart ideas together can we transform our world”
We have summarised this belief in our tag line “smarter together”. It seems obvious to us that to achieve meaningful change, we have to work together.