
Professional Staff Training
Specialist training in the operation of Gekko equipment and flowsheet management will ensure maximum economic returns on equipment investments.
Gekko also has an online training platform, with courses, videos, case studies and tech papers.

Gekko Systems provide both off-site and on-site trainings to help mining companies find better solutions to the challenges they face.
Gekko’s off-site trainings are broad. They aim to provide education on energy efficient mining processes, useful equipment innovations, and how to run a more efficient, more lucrative flowsheet solution.
In contrast, on-site training sessions are for new equipment owners, maintenance and operations staff. Participants learn valuable information on how to operate specific Gekko equipment to get the best results.
Contact Gekko today about joining an off-site training session or to arrange an on-site company training. Learn more about training via Gekko’s technical service packages here.

The Gekko team delivers training programs that are hands-on, theory-based, or a combination of both.

Equipment familiarisation by Gekko product specialists, improves operational use and efficiencies, which enhances the economic return on investment.

Gekko training supports staff to make beneficial maintenance and operational decisions that, in effect, minimise rework e.g. less changing of parts.

Correct operation and following safe work procedures when using Gekko equipment is essential for best practice and continued workflow.

Understanding how Gekko equipment improves energy use and environmental outputs, helps keep equipment optimised for better recoveries.

Comprehensive knowledge of Gekko equipment functions, such as understanding how to monitor, optimise and adjust reagents, has clear operational cost benefits.

Better knowledge about Gekko equipment and mining techniques boosts staff confidence and competancy in the workplace and minimises supervisory requirements.