Efficient resources acquisition demands mining technology to constantly evolve in a way that allows us to drill down into much more accurate detail. This is not done by physically digging but by data mining. An important trend and a key factor in the future of mineral processing is digitalisation. One of Gekko’s digital solutions is for instance, the OnLine Gold Analyser (OLGA). Free OLGA eBook available for download now.

As ore grades decline and deposits are becoming deeper and more complex it becomes increasingly important to improve the efficiency of current gold processing techniques. It is also important to extract as much value from the deposit as possible. It is far more cost-effective to maximise the extraction of gold as you process it, rather than trying to retreat it later.
On stream gold analysis, such as Gekko’s OLGA enables timely and consistent data for optimised resource extraction.
To find out why the availability of real time data is important for most gold processing plants read the eBook. Free OLGA eBook available for download now, simply follow the button below.